It's only natural that God is ...

    The nature of God is not one that is easily known. In fact, it is impossible to fully know God as we are finite trying to understand the infinite. However, we can still allude to the necessity of the nature of God, this can be done through introspection, since we are created by the divine (we'll get to how so later on), and the act of investigating the world, as it is a creation of the creator. The creator will always leave their mark or signature in that which is created, and it is by this that we can come to know the nature of the creator. 


    As I said earlier it is impossible to know, in fullness, God as God would necessarily be infinite. Below I will discuss these necessary attributes, most are interconnected attribute, one showing the way to another, and the rest play a supportive role demonstrating the efficacy of the previous claims. So, let’s begin with ...

  • Necessity: This in philosophical terms is used to show how something isn't just a possibility. Meaning that for a Human to be a Human it isn't just possible for it to have the characteristics of a human, but necessary for it to have them, as such without them it would not be a human. As such, it is possible to be a human in the absence of a sensation: blindness, hearing, taste, etc. It is also possible to be a human when one is missing a limb, or all limbs. It is even possible to be a human when one is not alive. It is not possible to be a human, when one does not have human DNA, or even a rational soul (see next article). Entailing that it is necessary, physically, to have the Human DNA to be human and it is necessary, spiritually, that to be a human, one must have a rational soul.
  • Existence itself: As demonstrated in the previous article, in particular the section on efficient causality, the being known as God, cannot have been created by another. In the essence of God is that of existence, and all things that exist is due to the principal existence in God. 
  • Simplicity: This term is not to say that God is simple in knowability or intelligence, but in composition. God cannot be separated into this or that part or portion. If God were compounded the union of parts would require a cause, and as such God would not be the uncaused cause, and the creation of another being.
  • Spirituality: This is the argument against the physicality of God in a single word. Spirituality is immaterial, e.g., not made of other parts. Being not made up of parts leads to an infinitude of existence (no physical limits are placed on God). This Spiritual existence has its attributes of action and intelligence. 
    • Action vs potentiality: Action is forever acting, and potentiality requires a change from one state to another to act, e.g., requires being acted upon to act.
  • Infinite: This is again built upon the previous attributes, or they are built upon this one (who, other than God, knows?). As God is simplistic, i.e., not composite of many parts, and is Spiritual, i.e., immaterial, will also be without boundary, as we are bound by physicality. Outside of that infinitude points to perfection. Perfection of the attributes of Wisdom, Goodness, Kindness, and Mercy by necessity require an open end and a closed end to the attribute. The closed end is such that the total absence of something, and the open end is such that God is always Wiser, more Kind, and Better, than something or someone. This isn't a close relation of person to God; it is just to show that God's infinite wisdom is such that we do not know the bounds of God's wisdom (or another attribute). 
  • Unity: God being infinite, must be one in nature. Two or more infinite beings in either substance or perfection cannot exist as there would be a contradiction in the beings and thus, neither would be God. 
  • Omnipotence: All powerful, due to God's infinity all things are possible. Being that God is the source of all existence, all things that come into existence is by God's power.
    • Common Objection: "Can God make a rock so large that not even He can lift it?". "No" is the short answer. The long answer is that God cannot do thins simply because God cannot and will not do something that is against His nature or the nature of the substance in question. Sin is a failure, a turning from God, and as such God cannot sin and turn from Himself. God cannot create an all-powerful rock wherein He would be subject to its mass or weight, as this would be a denial of His power. 
  • Omnipresence: God is everywhere. God is infinite and cannot be bound by any physicality. Due to existence other things being necessary for God to bring them in to existence, He also maintains or supports their existence.
  • Omniscience: God knows all and see all. (Yes, that means He knows what you did last summer at band camp). God is infinite, as described above, but also in His intelligence. 
  • Goodness and Happiness: Goodness makes something or some being truly desirable or pleasing. God is infinite; therefore, His goodness is without limit. Limitless goodness means infinitely pleasing and Happy. God is therefore infinitely happy with Himself
  • Perfection: The application of infinity to His attributes leads to the perfection of being in every manner to every degree. 

All of these are a means of defining the attributes of God as we demonstrated to have existed in the previous article. These attributes are a means of coming to know what we can learn through investigation of what it would mean for a being to be God. In the Christian Apologetics section, we will discuss how all of this is found in Christianity, through Divine Revelation, Scripture, or the Teaching Church (the Catholic Church) established by Jesus Christ.



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