The Rosary

St. Dominic receiving the Rosary from our Lady

 I am dedicating this page to the most popular Catholic devotional there is, and it, more often than not, easily identifies a person to be Catholic (although there are a few High-Church Protestant groups that still hold onto the rosary). I am of course talking about the Rosary (the title kind of gave it away). But I will supply links to a discussion on the individual mysteries of the Rosary, a biblical insight as to their content and supporting writings by various Saints and Blesseds. I of course will have files below so you can follow along with praying them, they're great files to have and share so that people can come to know the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ through Our Lady's Rosary. I will go over the history and each of the 20 mysteries of the Rosary. I am including the Luminous Mysteries, even though they are not required nor an original aspect* of the Rosary, but they were promulgated by St. John Paul II, and as such will be included. 

The Rosary:

  1. The History
  2. The Making
  3. The Joyful Mysteries
    1. The Annunciation
    2. The Visitation
    3. The Nativity
    4. The Presentation
    5. The Finding of Jesus Christ in the Temple
  4. The Luminous Mysteries
    1. The Baptism of Christ
    2. The Wedding at Cana
    3. The Proclamation of the Kingdom
    4. The Transfiguration of Jesus
    5. The Institution of the Eucharist
  5. The Sorrowful Mysteries
    1. The Agony in the Garden
    2. The Scourging at the Pillar
    3. The Crowning with Thorns
    4. The Carrying of the Cross
    5. The Crucifixion
  6. The Glorious Mysteries
    1. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
    2. The Ascension of Jesus Christ
    3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit
    4. The Assumption of Mary
    5. The Coronation of Mary
  7. The Rosary Prayer Guide
    1. Standard (English)
    2. Standard (Spanish)
    3. Standard (Latin)
    4. Dominican (English)
    5. Dominican (Latin)

**image credit to**
* we will see a development of the rosary through history that is different from the traditional rosary we have today.


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