The ends and modes of prayer are what is used to describe the purpose of a particular prayer, and the way that it is prayed, respectively. Prayer, in all things is a means of communication with God, directly or indirectly as through intercessors. And whilst communicating you would express certain things, when totally focused on God and your relationship to Him that is. By this I mean, there are people who do not align their human will to that of the divine ill, as Christ said: "Let thy Will, not mine be done" regarding the divine will vs human will. Even though Christ has a divine will and a human will, His human will is perfectly aligned with that of His divine will; absolutely separate, but totally aligned wills. When you pray, in alignment to the divine will, you will pray on or for things that are necessary for your salvation alone. The four ends to prayer are: Adoration, Atonement, Petition, and Thanksgiving. The four modes of prayer are: Mental, Vocal, Private, and Public.
Some may say that heir prayers aren't necessarily for those four ends, on in those modes, but every prayer will fit one or more End and one or more Mode. For example, the Sign of the Cross:

This prayer as seen above, can be a mental or vocal prayer, and is done in private and public. This prayer, although it isn't explicit, is an Adoration type of prayer. It is a solemn prayer, as you are about to do something in the of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. It is used as an introductory prayer for something else. When Catholics go to eat, they make the Sign of the Cross, and then give thanks for the food, and petition Him to bless them, the person praying, and the food that they are about to eat. The sign of the cross is done several times through out the Mass, either due to the mention of the Most Holy Trinity, the reception of a blessing, an absolution of sins, or most importantly at the beginning and end of the highest form of public prayer of the Church, namely the Sacrifice of the Mass.
To better explain the modes of prayer, mental and vocal, are just that. A prayer that is said in your mind/heart/soul, or a prayer that is said aloud. Private and public prayers are prayers either said alone or in a private setting like a family Rosary, or said in public like the Mass or Liturgy of the Hours prayed at the church with the parishioners.
Prayers that are said for Adoration, are prayers that of a Latria sense. A type of prayer for God alone, as God alone deserves our adoration. Prayers for atonement are prayers where you are asking for forgiveness of our sins, and the sins of another. An atonement prayer may be said for the atonement of one who has sinned against you. For example, praying for someone who stole from you, or was rude/dismissive of you. They sinned against you, but in the process they sinned against God. Your prayers for them is a means of forgiving them, and asking that God brings them to repentance and seeks forgiveness themselves. Petitionary prayers are when we are asking for something, usually the graces to persevere until the end, and to grow in faith. Petitionary prayers are prayers where we ask the Saints to pray to our Lord Jesus Christ for us. Finally prayers of Thanksgiving. These are prayers where we give thanks to God for His blessings and grace in our lives. We give thanks for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and the forgiveness and redemption therein, especially more so when we realize just how unworthy we are of His grace and blessings, let alone the sacrifice of His only begotten Son.
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