To be joyful in the Lord

The Joyful mysteries are part of the original 15 mysteries given by the Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Dominic, and the Joyful Mysteries pertain to the Incarnation of the Word of God becoming Man, His birth, fulfillment of Messianic Prophecies, and an acknowledgement of His divinity. These Mysteries were used to refute the errors of the Gnostics and other heretics of the time. The mysteries are briefly described in the following way:

(You can understand the image to the left by looking at the parts in a clockwise order)

  1. The Annunciation
    1. This is when the Archangel Gabriel came to Mary and told her of God's plan to bring the Messiah to His people through Her and that She will give birth to the King of Kings, Lord of Lords.
  2. The Visitation:
    1. This is when Mary travels through the hills of Judea, while pregnant with Jesus Christ. This is representative of the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament as it made its way through the hills to King David who worshipped before the Ark. Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant, who is Jesus Christ
  3. The Nativity:
    1. This is when Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, is born as the newborn King, and is worshipped appropriately. The scribes, scholars, and lawyers of the Tetrarch Herod looked to the messianic prophecies who acknowledge His coming. 
  4. The Presentation:
    1. This is when the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph present Jesus Christ to the Temple according to the Mosaic Law. This is also when we learn of the Prophecy of Simeon, one of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary as well. 
  5. The Finding of Jesus in the Temple:
    1. This is the last time we read of Christ in His childhood, we also read in this mystery the nature of His wisdom before the doctors and lawyers in the temple. To clarify these doctors and lawyers may not be the medical doctor and legal lawyer as you may come to think of. They are more likely to be doctors who put forth doctrine, like the Doctors of the Catholic Church put forth doctrine, and lawyers who interpret and put in place religious law practices, much like the canon lawyers of the Catholic Church who interpret sacred teaching to give guidance to the faithful.
These are the five mysteries, in brief description, to have a better idea of what to think of going ahead into the scriptural teachings.


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