The Bible in a Year

 Scripture is profitable for all to hear. Scripture is good for us to read. Scripture has graces such that we are fed the Words of Life, as they point to the Word, i.e., Jesus Christ our Lord. 

That said, many attempt to read the Bible, typically from cover to cover, and as Jeff Cavins of Ascension Press who made this program of the Bible in a Year (and from personal experience) most tend to stop somewhere in the books of Leviticus or Numbers. But listening to Fr. Mike, and occasionally Jeff Cavins, gives you a better understanding of the books, an understanding that does not come form within, but from the teaching authority of the Church as established Jesus Christ and guided and protected by the Holy Ghost. The days are numbered by sequence and not by calendar day, this way you can start at any point in the year and follow along. Fr. Mike will give commentary on each of the passages read and this certainly helps to keep what you hear in mind, and how they intertwin and build upon to explain the "story of salvation from Genesis to Revelation" - Jeff Cavins.


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